Sunday, September 25, 2022

Koan Grinds Her Own Nails

Over the years I've used different kinds of nail clippers and Dremels to grind our dogs' nails. My preference is to use a Dremel as I think it's easier to get a shorter nail without endangering the quick. 

As Koan has gotten older, she's become increasingly adverse to having her nails trimmed with any option. Mind you, it's ONLY her front nails. I can still use a Dremel to grind her rear ones. We had to start using drugs to calm her and even that was proving less and less effective in the past couple of years.

I don't want to stress her out, but I don't want her to tear a nail in agility on a contact, so I did some research and I found that many people make their own nail boards or scratchboards and teach their dogs how to use them. I figured I could do that - and so I did. I followed the information found at Canine Lifestyle Academy on how to create the board, but here are many options.

She's very food motivated, so was easy to train. 

Koan Loves Her Scratch Board!