After having a remarkably clean record in regard to NOT falling in the agility ring, last December I actually went down twice in one weekend. The second run was captured on video, so I've posted it here. In retrospect, it was all my fault. Baco is a very fast dog and I was clearly on his line. I just couldn't get out of his way fast enough because I did not handle the initial line of jumps correctly with him. I should have worked him on my right and let him get ahead, which he has no problem doing. As you can see, I got right back up and finished running him. I think we even Qd as it was CPE agility.
The day before Baco knocked me down, Koan took me down coming out of a long straight tunnel and cutting straight left across my own line. I was trying to beat her to the end of the tunnel to be sure she went to the table to end the timer. In an effort not to step on her I ended up tripping over her and falling. But just as with Baco, I got right back up and told her to "go table" which she did.
I guess I was lucky. I know a lot of people who have fallen in agility and then ended up with torn ligaments, sprains or broken bones. All I needed was multiple trips to the chiropractor to work everything out, plus a lot of T-Relief.