Saturday, August 2, 2014

Play date for the singleton

After doing a lot of research and reading about raising a singleton, including this excellent AKC breed column, The Singleton Syndrome, I became convinced Eta's puppy was in need of a puppy play date or two with a litter of puppies around the same age. I was very fortunate to have a local breeder open up her home and litter to Eta's puppy. Puppy was able to spend a few hours around the five week mark hanging with a litter of Golden Retriever pups who were about a week younger. The puppies were very close in size, and in color too, since this litter is from field lines. 

At first Eta's puppy thought I must have made a mistake. Surely I didn't mean for her to be stuck in a pen with these other creatures! But eventually she warmed up to them, hung out and played a little, then settled down for a nap with her temporary littermates.

Where's the Toller?

There must be some mistake...

I'm stuck

Need a nap buddy?

New friends